Today I slept in to about 9am (which is pretty early considering what time I went to bed). I went and dropped off my bike with Julia. They were super helpful and said my bike would be ready today! I gave them Julia's cell number and said I could come back today or tomorrow to get it.
When I got back to Julia's, the two were planning on going down to pick up their tickets for tonight at 4. Since there was some time to kill, Michael and I decided to go downtown to the Parliment and the Canal. We took the bus out and started walking around. The Parliment was really pretty, and while there we discovered they ran free tours. Although the tour might not allow us to get back to Julia's in time to pick up tickets early, we thought what the hell. The price was right! So, we signed up for the tour. We had just enough time to get some food and ate Shwarmas (apparently Ottawa is known for them? I had no idea until Michael told me). Then we had a tour. It was an alright tour. We saw quite a bit, and it was really pretty! It lasted about an hour, and just about everything I learned I will forget by tomorrow, I'm sure!
After the tour we went up the clock tower and saw a nice view of the city. Then, we walked down (past the fairmount, which we stopped inside to check out) to the canal. We took some pictures then jumped on a bus back to Julia's. We had the option of jumping off the bus a few stops early to get our tickets, but today was so hot and we were so worn from walking around in the sun all day that we just wanted to get back to Julia's!
When we got back, Julia had already started (and was just about finished) making pasta for dinner! It was so good! Then we all got ready and went to the concert. Michael and I had to lineup for tickets, but the line moved really quickly, which was great! Apparently Julia and Dana had to lineup for quite a while in the hot sun (I guess everyone had the same mentality of lining up early, and less people were last minute like us, or maybe they had more wickets open? I don't know). But we quickly got our tickets and met Julia and Dana inside. We went straight down to check out Rural Alberta Advantage. They were AMAZING!!! I'd highly recommend anyone to check them out! And all their between song banter was hilarious!
After the show was done, we lineup up for an autograph. I saw a booth nearby giving away blankets if you sign up for a mastercard. As I want a credit card, I figured what the hell. Might as well get a free blanket while I'm at it! Rural Alberta Advantage signed the blanket (and drew out the whole Alberta crest, which was wicked!). They were a lot of fun!
Next, we checked out Plants and Animals. Dana and Julia really liked them, but Michael and I were getting kinda bored after a few songs, so we went to check out Santana. That show was better because there was room at the back to sit (it was packed at the front though! There were tons of people at that concert!). We went back for the end of Plants and Animals to meet back up with Julia and Dana. Those two were staying around for autographs, and since Michael and I didn't really care for them, we headed back to Julia's place. Michael passed out immediately.
When back at Julia's, Dana's friend Dave came over and we all went for some Thai food. It was really good! I wasn't really hungry so just had a spring roll. But it was really good! Then we went back to bed!