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Day 7

Today was Mother's Day. Happy Mother's day mom! We started off our morning with a rower's special breakfast with Derek at a cute little restaurant. We spent the next part of the day getting our stuff together for the bike and the West Coast Trail. We ended up hitting up MEC, then walked around downtown Victoria. We had some really good sea food on the dock and then met up with Derek and Simon. We were going to go to a bar to check out the game, but the bars seemed to be empty (even during the playoffs!). So we saw the parliament building, saw the house boats (house boat village of sorts?), went to "mile 0" with the statue of Terry Fox (it's where he was planning on finishing his run across Canada), saw U Vic (quick drive through), and drove along Dallas Rd (a nice, scenic drive). Then went grocery shopping, and started sorting ourselves out for our upcoming adventure!

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