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Day 52

We didn't set up an alarm last night, so woke up naturally at around 8-9am (well, I did, Michael needed to be woken up around 10am. When I woke him, he asked what time it is, and his reply was “10?! It's so early!” But he got up anyways). Nicole made us chocolate chip waffles (from scratch) for breakfast and they were SOOO GOOD! We then set out to get some stuff done! Our first stop on our tour of Winnipeg was to the Royal Canadian Mint. It was cool to see! We didn't take a tour, but instead saw their display in the main lobby. We make a lot of money for a lot of countries! They also had the olympic medals on display, which were cool to see (they're really big!). The second stop was at Nicole's old gymnastics gym. It was fun to see and fun to jump on the trampolines and just play around! Michael had tons of fun! We probably could have left him in there the whole day and he wouldn't mind! The next stop was the Forks. We walked into a VERY expensive candy store in an old train car, then went into the market and bought some frozen yoghurt. We walked up to the lookout as we finished the yoghurt, then walked through the park. Our next step was very important. We went to the zoo before it closed to see the Winnie the Pooh memorial (and then stayed to look at some of the animals). On the way back to her house to pick up her dad for Costco, we passed by Lois Riel's house (a drive-by viewing of it). Turns out, Nicole's younger sister was competing at a Track and Field competition today, so we dropped her and her dad off at the track, then the three of us went to Costco and bought A LOT! We were told that northern Ontario has NOTHING so we have to stock up! And we did! (We even have the receipt to prove we did!). Then we picked up Nicole's dad and sister from the track and headed back home for dinner. We met her mom, and she was also very nice! They made us steak and potatoes and salad and garlic bread. It was delicious! As a thank you, I made desert. At first we considered going out, but instead we stayed in and talked to Nicole and her parents all night. It was a really nice evening! We had a lot of fun! Then it was off to bed again!

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